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Data warehouse, Data lake and Master data management

Integrate structured and unstructured data into your data lake and build data warehouse solutions that to provide insights, while gaining a 360-degree view through Master Data Management.

Design and build DW, Data Lake for better visibility

Data Lake, Data Warehouse and MDM are the main components of your entire data platform, which stores raw and transformed data to provide a clearer insight into your data.

We can help you design and build both your Data Lake and Data Warehouse – either on-site or through the cloud.. Data Lake helps to integrate the data from structured and unstructured data sources. Our team also has vast experience in designing dimension modeling and data vault modeling techniques to assist in the creation of the Data Warehouse.

We have implemented enterprise level Data Lake, Data Warehouse and MDM implementation using various technology stacks, while. our pool of certified and experienced consultants provide end-to-end data platform solutions.

Shashi Prabha Singh

Head of Digital Innovation

Key benefits

Integrating & storing all types of structured & unstructured data in your data lake helps eliminate data silos while providing means to create the best platform for all your advanced analytics.

Integrate various types of data

Integrating & storing all types of structured & unstructured data in your data lake helps eliminate data silos while providing means to create the best platform for all your advanced analytics.

 Different sources are integrated & modelled to organize your data using the required data quality and standardization techniques. It also helps provide better insights through visualization tools.

Data standardization and organization

Different sources are integrated & modelled to organize your data using the required data quality and standardization techniques. It also helps provide better insights through visualization tools.

We provide a single, trusted view of your data,. This  helps providing a holistic view of the data from various sources by creating an effective relationship between the various entities.

360 data view

We provide a single, trusted view of your data,. This helps providing a holistic view of the data from various sources by creating an effective relationship between the various entities.

Key capabilities

Design and implementation

We provide different architectural patterns when designing your data lake, Data Warehouse & MDM solutions for both data streaming and batch mode. We can also assist in the design of MDM reference architecture using various approaches to provide a single view of your data. Our team will develop your Data Lake and DW using various on-site and cloud technologies, as well as MDM implementation using custom solutions and various COTS products.

Architecture consulting

We can assess your existing architecture and identify any gaps and technology consolidations.

Technology modernization

We provide technology recommendations based on the gaps identified and streamline your technology usage. based on clients vision and a personalized roadmap. We also you to create any future state solution architecture to address the needs of your customers.

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