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Healthcare interoperability 

Assisting customers to architect and scale systems that can exchange data via industry- standard protocols .

Healthcare Interoperability 

As part of our Healthcare EDI services, we have been working on diverse projects that support our customers in the automation of their workflow and secure transmission of data between applications. Our team includes data analysts, integration experts and business experts, all of whom understand the unique needs of healthcare compliance.

As part of our continuous learning process, we have explored emerging standards such as FHIR, IHE and& Continua. Some of the integration initiatives that we have collaborated with our customers include: 

• Medical device data integration with provider and patient portals 
• Integration between EMR & PMS healthcare system to exchange member data using HL7 protocol 
• Enhancing our benefit administration system to consume member data using HIPAA 834 format 
• Designing our practice management system to support ICD 9/10, HCPCS, CPT, ADA 
• Upgrade of solutions to support HIPAA 5010 and ICD 10 formats 
• Enhancement of clearinghouse software to connect with carriers  
• Enhancing lab information system to exchange data using HL7 CCD/CCR  
• Design of revenue cycle management solution to support HIPAA 270/271/835/837 (P, I, D) 

Anitha Lakshmipathy

Head of Business Unit

Key benefits

Access to patient data helps providers offer the right care at the right time. 

Easy & timely access to patient records

Access to patient data helps providers offer the right care at the right time. 

More autonomy and reduced administrative efforts improve patient care and patient experience .

Improve staff productivity

More autonomy and reduced administrative efforts improve patient care and patient experience .

Protects patient privacy and safeguards sensitive data .

Ensure data privacy

Protects patient privacy and safeguards sensitive data .

Key offerings

Seamless access to systems to provide data as per protocols

• Data formats standardization  • Standard integration tools implementation   • Custom tool development – API catalog development  • HL7 base integration  • EDI X12 base integration  • EHR integration solutions  • Medical device integration  • Standards supported: HIPAA, ANSI X12, HL7, FHIR, NCPDP 

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