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Vignettes, Quarterly Newsletter - Software Product Engineering edition

Let us delve into Software Product Engineering offerings and advancements, with a specific focus on the expanding role of Generative AI.

Welcome to another edition of "Vignettes," a quarterly briefing. Within this newsletter, we will delve into Software Product Engineering (SPE) offerings and advancements, with a specific focus on the expanding role of Generative AI in this field.

The SPE business unit caters to B2B software product organizations (SaaS, COTS, PaaS) across diverse industry verticals. As a reliable strategic technology partner, it extends advisory, consulting, and implementation services throughout the Ideate, Create, and Sustain phases of the product lifecycle.

The prioritization of "Value" holds paramount importance in the B2B software market, driving investments into innovation, consolidation, productization, and platformization. This market is swiftly evolving and innovating, spurred by emerging technologies and shifts in consumer behaviors and environmental demands. Simultaneously, Generative AI represents a revolutionary moment in the tech industry, akin to the invention of the wheel.

We invite you to explore this newsletter for valuable insights and updates.

Download Vignettes Newsletter : SPE Edition 

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